Koubu and Baibu

Half-step (Jin Bu)

Full-step – Baibu and Step Forward

Square Stepping – Baibu and Koubu

Mudwalking (Tang Ni Bu) – linear half-step and full-step

Crane Stepping (Xubu) – linear half-step and full-step

Guanghua Stepping (Heel-Toe Stepping) – linear half-step and full-step

Toubu Stepping – twist in Toubu and linear step

Pivoting (180 degrees) – Koubu and Baibu pivoting together

180 Stepping – Toubu and Pivot 180 degrees

360 Stepping – Koubu with front foot 360 degrees to hook behind the rear foot, twist to return to starting stance

Diagonal Stepping
Half-step – Left and Right

Toubu – Left and Right

Dragon Step – Left and Right

Circle Walking – left circle and right circle
Mudwalking (Tang Ni Bu)

Crane Stepping (Xubu)

Guanghua Stepping (Heel-Toe Stepping)

Toubu Twisting

Nine Palaces Stepping (Jin Gong Bu) – circle walk around pillar 1 to 9, counterclockwise around odd numbers and clockwise around even numbers, walk one full circle around 1 and 5; circle walk from 9 to 1 following the same guidelines