Success neither magical or mysterious.  Success is the natural consequences of consistently applying the fundamentals.  – Jim Rohn

Emphasis is on slow and deliberate movements.  Only through slow and deliberate movements can you practice seriously.

Techniques are many, Principles are few.

Techniques will vary, Principles never do.


True fighting techniques are never bound by any fixed patterns, and are not controlled by any rules.

Applied 4 Principles of Yin-Yang

  1. Opposite of Yin-Yang
  2. Interdependence of Yin-Yang
  3. Mutual Consuming of Yin-Yang
  4. Inter-Transformation of Yin-Yang

It’s not the amount of time you devote, but what you devote to the amount of time.

To aim to be the best and to remain essentially ourselves is one and the same thing.

An attack must be executed with quickness, not speed.  Attack with power, not strength.  There is a great difference between speed and quickness, power and strength.  Think this through carefully.  It is the essence of strategy.  – Miyamoto Musashi

There is no self- respect in doing one thing well and another badly.  – Da Vinci’s teacher about skill development

Mastery of the mind, becomes mastery of all things.  True martial arts training is free of violence, because violence never enters the mind of the practitioner.

Relax and calm your mind.  Forget about yourself, follow your opponent’s movement. – Ip Man

Principles of Dynamics:
Feet planted flatly on the floor
A straight spine

Nature is an endless combination and repetition of a very few laws.  She hums the old well-known air through innumerable variations. – R.W. Emerson

To know what is fundamental is to possess the greatest knowledge.

Learning to follow the fundamental truth is the key to settling all problems.

Even when you are alone act as though ten people were watching you and pointing their fingers at you.

The Circle has energy, endurance, wisdom, strength, power, inertia, balance, harmony, strategy, and spontaneity.

Eight Principles:
Absorb, Angles, Circles, Dissolve, Penetrate, Rotate, Sinking, Vibration

The 13 Postures of Tai Chi:
The 13 Postures is the foundation of Tai Chi Chuan. Without the 13 Postures there is neither the Chuan (form) nor the push-hands. These 13 postures were derived from the Eight Trigrams (the first 8 postures – energies) and the Five Elements (the last 5 postures – steps). The 13 postures are:

  1. Peng (ward-off)
  2. Lu (roll-back)
  3. Ji (press)
  4. An (push)
  5. Cai (pull-down)
  6. Lie (split)
  7. Zhou (elbow strike)
  8. Kao (shoulder strike)
  9. Jin (advance)
  10. Tui (retreat)
  11. Ku (look left)
  12. Pan (look right)
  13. Ting (center)

The 13 Principles of Tai Chi:
The 13 principles must execute the mind, chi, and physical movement in one unit. This means that when the mind is focused on a specific area of the body, the chi will flow into that area. When the chi flows into an area, power will follow.

  1. Sinking of Shoulders and Dropping of Elbows
  2. Relaxing of Chest and Rounding of Back
  3. Sinking Chi down to Dan Tian
  4. Lightly Pointing Up the Head
  5. Relaxation of Waist and Hip
  6. Differentiate Between Empty and Full: Yin and Yang
  7. Coordination of Upper and Lower Parts of the Body
  8. Using the Mind Instead of Force
  9. Harmony Between Internal and External
  10. Connecting the Mind and the Chi
  11. Find Stillness Within Movement
  12. Movement and Stillness Present at Once
  13. Continuity and Evenness Throughout the Form